Sunday, 29 January 2012

I also had Beautiful Baby Bump shots reported & deleted... not nice!  These photos are portraying a  Mother-to-be proud of her beautiful belly and for those who appreciate that, here are a few. 

Saturday, 28 January 2012

Ash is another local model who approached me to help her add to her modelling portfolio.  She had destinct ideas of what sort of photos she wanted & she directed me in how to take the shots. Her hunky tattooed mate is Hayden.  He was a breeze to work with & I hope to work with him again in the future.

Kirstie is a local model I was lucky enough to photograph.  These images didn't make it to Facebook as I was afraid they'd be deleted like some of my others.  Kirstie will be working with me again soon.

What do you think?


Well hello all!

Finally getting my act together in 2012 with a BLOG!

Bear with me as I am still getting the hang of it & how to set it all up.

I have started this up as a backup from Facebook.  My Facebook account has been plagued bannings for posting photos that others felt were unacceptable for Facebook, so I will be posting a link to here so those photos can be posted & viewed without fear of being reported & deleted.

I will get back here very soon to finish setting up this Blog, so please come back & check it out.