Wednesday, 15 February 2012

The beautiful Robyn!  So relaxed & easy to photograph.  Sexy voluptuous body and amazing eyes!

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Some more of the beautiful  Kirstie. 

 I love this B & W and the way the light is refecting on her gorgeous face.

Sunday, 29 January 2012

I also had Beautiful Baby Bump shots reported & deleted... not nice!  These photos are portraying a  Mother-to-be proud of her beautiful belly and for those who appreciate that, here are a few. 

Saturday, 28 January 2012

Ash is another local model who approached me to help her add to her modelling portfolio.  She had destinct ideas of what sort of photos she wanted & she directed me in how to take the shots. Her hunky tattooed mate is Hayden.  He was a breeze to work with & I hope to work with him again in the future.

Kirstie is a local model I was lucky enough to photograph.  These images didn't make it to Facebook as I was afraid they'd be deleted like some of my others.  Kirstie will be working with me again soon.

What do you think?